Below is Paul DuBois' summary of his accomplishments and goals.
Dear Officers of the Northeast Area Chapters, I have decided to seek another term as Northeast Area Vice President. The past two years have been very difficult on the National level for FMCA. We have operated without an Executive Director for most of that period, resulting in numerous problems for both the Executive Board and the Staff.
Finances have been a major concern. On a positive note, I believe that we have had the services of one of the best Finance Committees that we could possibly have. They have been able to look at the entire picture and make well-balanced decisions. In budget preparation they have demanded answers from department heads, and have watched over monthly expenditures. They have watched very closely over our investments and have kept the Executive Board informed, and they have not hesitated to make recommendations to the Board concerning the investments.
As I advised you a while ago, I have been selected to mentor our new Executive Director Brad Koshland. This will give me the opportunity to make him aware of the problems that the areas face, and of the importance of the areas to the operation of FMCA as a whole.
The next few years are going to be crucial to FMCA. Our membership continues to decline; despite the new members we gain, we have a net loss of approximately 500 members a month. There are several reasons for this. In some cases our membership is ageing out. In addition, younger people are not joining in the numbers we would like to see. We have to develop a way of drawing younger members into our organization.
The dynamics of the RV industry are changing. For a number of reasons, motorized units are no longer selling at the rate we were used to a few years ago. The banks have tightened credit requirements, and current motorhome owners who are upside down on their loans frequently find that they are no longer able to finance a new unit. The banks are demanding a FICA score of at least 740 and a very large down payment for financing a motorhome. These requirements usually prevent or discourage would-be owners – especially the younger ones – from making that first-time purchase. And cost factors aside, many members of the “younger generation” seem simply to be in love with pickup trucks and so are purchasing towables rather than motorhomes. Towable sales are up 37% over last year. Motorhome sales are down. Dealers are reacting accordingly in ordering new inventory.
In the Northeast Area our Executive Board has worked very hard to react to the loss of membership. We have been attending RV shows and working with dealers to have FMCA booths at shows and open houses. This summer, for the first time, we will be able to open our area rally to 5thwheels and travel trailers. This will give us the opportunity to share our love of the motorhoming lifestyle with a segment of the RV population that has not previously been available to us.
As a result of my involvement with the transportation of Marine Sgt. Eddie Ryan to Washington, DC for the Marine Marathon, which drew national attention to FMCA and the Northeast Area, we have established the Northeast Area Veterans’ Outreach Service. Our goal is to assist veterans with all types of needs. We are working very closely with Blue Water Navy Veterans Association to help veterans receive benefits for injuries resulting from exposure to Agent Orange and other chemicals. Blue Water Navy Veterans’ National Special Projects Director, Sue Belanger, a member of the Empire State Chapter, has been a great help to us in this regard. Our Veterans’ Outreach Service has already received much attention both from veterans and from the press, and it has brought several new members into FMCA.
The National Executive Board has voted to follow the lead of the Northeast Area. Acting National President Judy Czarsty, newly-elected Executive Director Brad Koshland, and Administrative Director, Lana Makin, and I met during my time in Cincinnati this past week to lay the groundwork for the new organization. At the Perry Convention I will be meeting with officers from the FMCA Military Chapter, Habitat for Humanity, and Friends of Angel Bus Chapter. We are to formulate a plan to present to the Executive Board at Perry to establish a National FMCA Veterans’ program. Following the Board’s approval, the plan will be presented to the Governing Board at Madison this summer.
The aim of this program will be to work with dealers, manufacturers, our own chapters (such as those mentioned above,) and other organizations as needed to help our veterans in any way that we can. In addition to aiding veterans throughout the US and Canada, this program will give FMCA national exposure among younger families. I have already received inquiries from Winnebago Industries, indicating interest in helping us obtain handicapped-accessible RV’s, and from a retired Navy Veteran who is a contractor and has property located near Albany, NY. He is interested in creating a camp where children of service personnel, (especially those of wounded service men and women) can attend without charge.
I would be pleased if you would grant me the opportunity to serve another term as your Area Vice President. I am eager to continue my involvement with the programs described above, to see these and other programs grow and develop, and to see this great organization thriving once again.
Thank you!
Sincerely yours,
Paul DuBois
Northeast Area Vice President
Northeast Motorhome Association President
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