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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January North Dinner

We have the following information about the North dinner from Sylvia Plaisted.

We had a nice time at the Jan. dinner.  I think we only had 15 people there, but it was very nice.  Jim & Sherry Miller, Larry & Barb Kotar, Charlie & Doris Kline, Phil Libatore, Laurie Wallenbeck, John & Carla Coutoure, Norm & Madaline Pease, Matt Miller, Ed & Sylvia Plaisted.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

FMCA Alternatives

At the risk of being controversial, we Pen-NY Mixers have the luxury of being associated with 2 areas, Northeast and Eastern of FMCA.
What does that mean ???
If the Northeast Area doesn't provide a way to bring members together, then the Eastern Area does. The Eastern Area 2013 rally is below.
October 9 - 13, 2013
York Expo Center
York, Pennsylvania
Watch the GEAR 2013 page for updated information

Their website is -

Those of you who have not been to York, PA, it is near Gettysburg (no need to explain), a corporate plant for Harley Davidson motorcycles and more. The Harley tour is enjoyed by both women and men.