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Saturday, March 28, 2015

2016 International update

Hi Folks,
Tom Ziobrowski, Northeast Area President is in Pamona, CA for the rally there. Discussions have been ongoing about Syracuse and other alternatives. We just received the following email from him.

It was announced today that 2016 Convention will not be held in

They are looking at the Big E in Mass and have been in discussion
and a visit is being scheduled.
The alternate place will be Fryeburg, Maine.

Tom Ziobrowski 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

BEWARE of a message like this.

Hi folks
I received the following email this morning.  Since we have EZPASS, I opened the attachment. 
Fortunately, Windows Defender blocked it due to MALWARE. 
If you get a similar message, do not open the attachment.
These guys are getting slicker. 

Attachment starts with "EZPASS_Invoice_0000921725    " 
From: E-ZPass Support to you  
Subject: Indebted for driving on toll road #0000921725
Notice to Appear,

You have not paid for driving on a toll road. 
You are
kindly asked to service your debt in the shortest time possible.

You can
review the invoice in the attachment.

Kind regards,
Brett Dotson,

Monday, March 2, 2015

2015 Southeast Area Rally

This year, for the first time in many years, the Southeast Area moved the rally from Brooksville, FL - an hour south to Sarasota, FL.

The first hint that a change in venue was a good idea – it sold out several weeks before the rally. Fuel at the lowest price in years may have helped, too.

1987 Customized Winnebago
With about 850 family coaches and another 110 coaches for sale - arriving in a very busy area resulted in a few glitches. Harold Wollaber, the Lindens and the Roules represented western New York.. Bev Brown visited for one day, too.

The committee from the Southeast Area put together an ambitious schedule with a box lunch Friday along with circus acts circulating through the area, and a full breakfast Saturday morning.
Entertainment was geared to the generation in attendance, pop, older rock and roll and old country all 3 nights. Almost everyone stayed through each show.

"Spittin Image"
Rumor is, the rally will return to Sarasota in 2016.