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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ed and Gale Austin's Travels

Ed and Gale Austin have provided the following information about their travels. If it's late, my fault. Tom

Dear friends and family, It is that time of year when Ed and I take off for the west for the months of Dec/Jan where we will stay in Boulder City NV   Use our regular address and our cells are: E-607-279-6018 & G-607-592-9444.  We are trying to miss storms and will leave home Sun. 11/11/12 (traveling thru Ohio/Ill/OK) and expect to arrive in NV by next Sun.  If all goes well we will then travel to Fla for Feb/Mar and home early April.  We always look forward to seeing friends and family in these different sites, even if it is only once a year.  Take care of yourselves, stay well and travel safe.  Love you all, Ed and Gale