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Friday, November 30, 2012

2013 NEAR has been cancelled

In response to a query, I received this letter from Paul DuBois about NEAR - 2013. Paul and the executive board of NMA face some serious challenges. We wish them good luck.
Hi Tom  The rumor is true. Our Northeast Area Executive Board voted not to have a rally in 2013. This was not a decision that was made lightly but was necessary due to the lack of support from the chapters. As you are aware we have lost money since the economy took a hit in 2008. Although initially the losses were not significant and we continued hopeing for bettor days this has not happned. The lack of family coach attendance has caused a lack of vendors and therefore a lack of income. When our rally was in August we were very successful however the first meeting that I attended upon becoming Northeast Area VP I was informed that National was changing their convention to August and due to the Bylaws an Area rally cannot be held within 30 days of a convention. This caused us to change our rally to July. When I immediatly contected Tom Oddy at the Expo the only dates available were the present dates we have. At the annual meeting during Sam Allen's last year as President the membership agreed to a five year contract with the Champlain Valley Expo. That contract is still in effect. In order to cancel the 2013 rally we had to negotiate with them and they agreed to let us skip a year if we agreed not to have a rally at any other location during that period and to agree that the contract remained in effect and that I would remain in office to the end of my term. Unless we get more support from the chapters in our area than we presently do,  I fear for the future for any area rallies after our contact expires. For example we only received ads for our program book from 14 out of 41 chapters this year. I sent out 188 e-mails announcing the cancellation of the rally a few weeks ago and I received 23 bounce backs for undeliverable and only one reply and that was from Perfect Circle stating that they may be turning in their charter in the spring due to apathy in getting officers for the chapter. If these conflicting dates with our rally and lack of attendance continue to exist then I think that sends a signal to the Executive Board that the Area Rally is no longer important to them and should be discontinued.
Paul DuBois