As you know both Vicky Ferrai (Secretary) and Percy Bell (Treasurer) both ran unopposed and both were elected by acclamation. Charlie Adcock won with 198 votes and Allen Rein had 189 votes. For Sr. VP. there were 4 candidates running.
Andrew Balogh 104
Bobby Donald 10 Ralph Marino 32
Jon Walker 179 All is well here in Gillette. The Browns, Taylors, Lindens, and Snyders are here from our chapters. The wind blows constantly with daytime temps in the 70s and drops to 60-70 a night. PS. John Adcock made a special visit to our coach to clarify the statement that you were concerned about. Adcock and Walker plan to come to the Northeast Area in an attempt to get us back on track. He may fly back from the west coast to attend some rallies. He is very open to any and all suggestions re FMCA. He's very energetic and easy to talk to. He listens and well as talks. Walt Linden