To all
officers in the Northeast Area
Normally we
hold our elections for Area Officers at our Annual Rally. Since there won’t be a rally this year we
will hold the elections by mail.
This year
we will need nominations for three Vice Presidents and a Treasurer. The purpose
of this letter is to request interested candidates from the Area Chapters to
submit their resumes’ stating the following as per FMCA Member and Volunteer
1. Heading; Includes Name Address, Chapter and F Number.
2. Office being sought
3. FMCA Experience:
Involvement in FMCA. Include Chapter office(s) committee(s) volunteer work at
conventions and rallies.
4. Other
Experience-gained through employment and community service
5. Education and
training that would enhance one’s qualifications
6. Interests and
activities, hobbies and skills
7. Summary of
qualifications-Brief statement for seeking office describing
Area and FMCA goals if elected.
submit resumes to:
Frank Rizzi
15 Glenwood
Ct or e-mail to
Bayport NY
Nominating Committee