We got this note from Kathianne Taylor, NMA Secretary. The area is requesting applications for officers for the next 2 years. It would be nice if someone from our area were interested.
To all
officers in the Northeast Area
Normally we
hold our elections for Area Officers at our Annual Rally. Since there won’t be a rally this year we
will hold the elections by mail.
This year
we will need nominations for three Vice Presidents and a Treasurer. The purpose
of this letter is to request interested candidates from the Area Chapters to
submit their resumes’ stating the following as per FMCA Member and Volunteer
1. Heading; Includes Name Address, Chapter and F Number.
2. Office being sought
3. FMCA Experience:
Involvement in FMCA. Include Chapter office(s) committee(s) volunteer work at
conventions and rallies.
4. Other
Experience-gained through employment and community service
5. Education and
training that would enhance one’s qualifications
6. Interests and
activities, hobbies and skills
7. Summary of
qualifications-Brief statement for seeking office describing
Area and FMCA goals if elected.
submit resumes to:
Frank Rizzi
15 Glenwood
Ct or e-mail to
Bayport NY
Nominating Committee