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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More about Harborfest

There will be several "Tall Ships" visiting the Oswego Harborfest. One of them is the "Schooner La Revenante" which is shown below. It is used to support historical pagentry, re-enactments as well as community celebrations and scholarly research.

Below is a tentative schedule for the tall ships at Harborfest..
Friday. July 27.2012

12:30 PM               Tall Ship Rendezvous - Abeam Oswego Lighthouse
1:00 PM                 Parade of Sail down Oswego Harbor (East Breakwater)
1:30 PM                 Turn West & Salute Fort
2:00 PM                 Pier side (43"-27'-55"N/76"-30'-56"W)
2:30 PM                 Clear Customs (Harborfest will arrange)
6-30 PM                 Captain/Sponsor Meet- Hang Sponsor Flag
6:30 PM                 VIP Tour Sponsor (Max 8 people)
Saturday. July 28.2012
10:00 AM -1:00 PM    General visit for public
2:00 PM                       Underway for Fort Ontario Battle (6 sponsors as passengers)
2:30 - 3:30 PM            Exchange fire with Fort Ontario
4:00 PM                       Pier side
7:00 -10:00 PM           Sponsor Reception (Pier side) & Fireworks
Sunday. July 29.2012
10:00 AM -1:00 PM       General visit for public
Z:00 PM                          Underway tor Fort Ontario Battle (with 6 passengers)
2:30 - 3:30 PM               Exchange Fire with Fort Ontario
4:00 PM                          Passenger drop-off & Ban Voyage                      „-

By the way, this is the 25th anniversary of Harborfest and as of July 9th, there are 65 signed up for the rally.
For a complete list activities, check their link at -