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Monday, August 1, 2011

Walmart Information

We noticed that our local "Walmart Superstore" seemed to have fewer items then previously.  Then while traveling through Montana, we stopped in a store that had "most" of the items we usually saw but without the "Superstore".
When asked, we were told Walmart is reducing inventory to increase "turnover" rate in some superstores and removing the "Superstore" name.
So, at least we know it's ok to look elsewhere.
Some good news about Walmart:
Most of  us have IPADS or laptops, and find that Walmarts can be found on map programs along with address and phone number.

  • So, Sharon locates a Walmart where we want to stay
  • Calls the phone number
  • Asks for customer service
  • Asks if it is ok to "park overnight"
So far, they have been extremely willing to answer our questions. So, we know where to stay several hours in advance.

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