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Friday, January 15, 2010

Winter update from Paul Dubois, Northeast Area President

Below are Paul DuBois' comments from the Northeast Area Newsletter. Tom
NMA Newsletter Winter 2009 – 2010 – Paul DuBois
Hi Everyone,
Diane and I hope that you and yours had a very Merry Christmas, and that the New Year is proving to be a good one for you.
It is the time of year where we reflect on the old year and look forward to the new. 2009 was in many ways a difficult year for your Executive Board and the Northeast Area. Upon taking office as Northeast Area President, I had to spend the last two weeks in July and part of the first week of August out of the Area working at the National Convention in Bowling Green and then in Cincinnati for training. Diane and I left Cincinnati on August 6th and headed for Essex Junction for our rally and arrived on Friday the 7th. We “hit the ground running,” along with the rest of the Executive Board.
In October, 1st Vice President Lou Snow resigned. Ed Hoag, our 2nd Vice President, became ill and currently is still in New York State, awaiting the doctor’s okay to travel to Florida following necessary tests which could not be scheduled until late January. Last week our Treasurer Eleanor Rizzi experienced some eye problems which now fortunately are on the mend. Our Secretary, Kathianne Taylor, lost her mom this fall. So, as you can imagine, we are all really glad to be putting 2009 behind us!
The New Year, both for the Area and for FMCA at the National level, looks very promising. We have a great Northeast Area Executive Board. Our Past President Sam Allen has been very helpful with his input and I have enjoyed working with him. We work very well together, and we are determined to produce a wonderful 2010 Rally for you. We are going to offer several new events, among them a Motorhome Rodeo. In addition, we have several new vendors committed, including Craft Vendors.
On the National scene, we have an outstanding executive Board that has come up with many new ideas to improve FMCA. Our “Dozen Does It” program is in full swing, and we are currently working on additional programs that will be announced during the coming months.
Since the resignation of Don Eversmann, our Executive Director, FMCA has been governed by a management team made up of members of the Executive Board. Things have gone very smoothly and the co-operation from the Cincinnati staff has been outstanding.
Our National President Charlie Schrenkel told the Executive Board at our first meeting to “get our track shoes on” because we would need them. He has been true to his word. We have telephone conference calls every other week, and the emails that are constantly being exchanged among the Executive Board Members are filled with new ideas and new approaches to problem solving. FMCA’s financial picture is at last beginning to improve, and we are definitely on the “upswing.”
It is going to be a great FMCA New Year and we want you to enjoy it with us!

Paul DuBois, Northeast Area President

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