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Saturday, January 10, 2009

National Director, Walt Linden's PenNY Mixer statment to FMCA about cutback to 1 International convention

At the last Governing Board meeting I voted that FMCA should continue to have 2 conventions a year as we have had in the past. I would rather see a scaled back and less costly convention than none at all. I feel that many members go to see new products but many more members go to enjoy the fellowship and the friendships they have made over the years. You can see this most evenings as you look around the convention site at the many group get togethers.

I feel fellowship is an important part of FMCA. That's why we join chapters.

I understand that manufacturers have to cut back. But is FMCA here for them or is FMCA here for it's members. FMCA has to serve both, but if the manufacturers don't want to display their products to their market, so be it. FMCA does a great job bringing potential buyers together in one place.

Maybe less costly conventions are the way to go till times get better even if they are smaller.

Walt Linden
Nat. Dir. Penny Mixers

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