Governing Board Meeting
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Madison Wisconsin
There were over 1700 coaches at the
international, 1450+ families and 250+ vendors. The governing board
meeting had 281 chapters present in the morning which is a 69% quorum
and 278 in the afternoon down to a 68% quorum.
President Adcock called the meeting to
order and the following reports were submitted:
Treasurer’s Report – Our balance
sheet remains strong with $546,185 of cash in the banks. Our
investment account was $8,987,007 as of March 31st. We
are funding FMCA Assist each month from the investment account,
coming from earnings not principal.
Standing Committee Reports were
submitted and accepted.
Executive Directors Report:
FMCAssist – the medical evacuation
program, reinstated last August has been well received and used by 43
members. Problems have occurred when people don’t report problem
to our carrier Seven Corners at time of emergency. Call 911 and then
Seven Corners asap. Bills submitted after the fact will not be paid.
I have acquired several brochures (with cards) if anyone needs them.
The FMCA Mail Forwarding service in Cincinnati officially ceased
operations as of January 31, 2015. DakotaPost is serving mail
forwarding clientele over the past several months. Since June 2014
360 members out of approximately 1,000 subscribers transitioned to
the new service. 58 more members have signed up since the initial
FMCA is working with Membership
Corporation of America in evaluating programs, discussing membership
acquisition strategies, and designing campaigns to grow and retain
membership. Attitude, Awareness & Understanding Survey used and
evaluated. Win Back Campaign – email marketing method – 300
members rejoined. Several other programs are being considered.
Media Services Group (Elan) went live
prior to Redmond 2014. This computer program has had several
problems – being worked on. Others programs such as FMCA Road
Assist, RV Insurance, Tour Connection, Michelin Advantage, and staff
changes were reported on.
Convention Committee recommended that
Pomona, CA be withdrawn for Winter 2017 and Chandler, Arizona be
approved. Also Syracuse, NY changed to Eastern States Exhibition in
West Springfield, Mass. Pending successful negotiations. Syracuse
fairgrounds undergoing extensive repaired to parking.
Under new business: membership dues
will remain the same. FMCA Assist will again be funded using income
from investments.
Bylaw amendment approved as such: “If
an event occurs after the 21-day notice requirement has passed that
prevents the national director, alternate national director, or
temporary delegate from attending the governing board meeting, the
chapter president may appoint a member of the chapter to represent
the chapter for the next governing board meeting only. Notice of the
chapter president’s appointment of a temporary delegate shall be
received by FMCA at least seven working days prior to the governing
board meeting to be valid. Notice must be in writing (fax or e-mail
acceptable).” Board members felt this could be overcome by
electing temporary delegates and having them on file in Cincinnati.
The new slate of officers:
National President Charlie Adcock
National Sr. VP Jon Walker
National Secretary Gaye Young
(defeated John Ferrari – 143 to 131)
National Treasurer Percy Bell
Respectfully Submitted
Sharon Roule, Alternate National
Director, Pen-NY Mixers Chapter, FMCA