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Monday, October 27, 2014

June, 2015 Rally

Hi Sherry, 

Barb & George Will host a rally for June,  probably at Hickories’ park.  Moore’s and Plaisted’s will assist.

I’m assuming nobody has signed up yet?


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

September, 2015 Rally

Sherry:  Lee has talked again to John and Wally and they want you to put the EAA hanger at the Elmira Airport down for having another rally there in September 2015.  Hope this helps.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Note from President Sherry Miller

Hi Everyone,
The Pen-NY Mixers  has a complete slate of officers for the 2015 camping season.  Now that we have officers, we need to fill in our rally dates for next summer.  What good is a RV chapter if we have no place to meet?  Rallies can be big and busy or small and cozy and anywhere in between.  We've had catered meals or relied on the best chefs in the area by having dish-to-pass meals.  We've dry camped or gone to campgrounds; we could even meet in someone's backyard.  New places are great, but we certainly can revisit favorite old ones that we haven't been to in a while.  But, we need hosts to put it all together.  If you've thought you might like to host a rally, but aren't sure you can, contact me!  I'll give you support and hook you up with others to help.  A good way to learn how is to work with a veteran who has done one.  If you haven't hosted a rally recently, you could consider taking your turn and do one again.  Ask someone who hasn't ever been on a rally committee to help you.  If everyone took a turn, it would happen once every three seasons if only two or three couples work together.  It is rumored that we may have two rallies in the works, already, and I would really like to see a regular May rally to kick off the 2015 year.  Call me or send an email to let me know when you want to have a rally.  I'm looking forward to this camping season and hope you all are too.
We also need to increase our membership.  That would spread out rally responsibilities even further.  New blood brings  new energy and ideas.  If you know someone who has a motor home, invite them to a rally so they can see what it is all about. They don't have to be a member of FMCA to attend one rally. 
I agreed to accept the nomination of President because I didn't want to see us disband, but I need your help.  The Pen-NY Mixers needs your help.  I hope to see you there!
PS:  Jim and I would like to host the January dinner get-together.  Since this is the last newsletter before that date, I need to know who might want to attend.  Call me or email to let me know.  Once we know if there is any interest, we'll set it up in as central location as possible for all of us.  Have a safe and healthy winter season if I don't see you then.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

2015 Officers

At the September dinner meeting, officers for 2015 were elected. They are:
  • President: Sherry Miller
  • Vice President: Rose McGlynn
  • Secretary: Sylvia Plaisted
  • Treasurer: Walt Linden
  • National Director: Walt Linden
  • Alternate National Director: Sharon Roule
Shirley Moore will be the newsletter editor.
More information about the officers can be seen on the right side of this blog.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Tom Z reports from Cincinatti

I am currently in a board meeting, and asked for dates. This event (2016 FMCA International) has been approved by the GB.
Chris Lust just told me it looks like around the end of July. At this time a confirmed date is not available.
If I hear more before I leave Saturday (October 18) I will let you all know.
Tom Ziobrowski
President, NMA