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I want this !!!!
Introduced last fall at the "Big Boys Toy Show" in Dubai, UAE, the Elemment-Palazzo made by Marchi Mobile in Vienna, Austria is now in production.
Bedroom |
Ready for the Autobon, it has a top speed of 93 mph, separate sleeping quarters for the chauffeur, push button roof terrace, a power door, full length slides, and any other option you can dream up.
Cockpit |
Finally, a legitimate upgrade to your Provost or Blue Bird.
At 40 feet, it's less than $3 million.
We look forward to seeing yours at the May rally.
Skybridge Open |
Do you know what this is?
This is the FREEDOM TOWER - the replacement for the trade center destroyed on Sept. 11, 2011.
It's taken 11 years but it grew up this week to be the tallest building in New York. It will be over 1776 ft (I wonder what they do if the contractor ends up at 1775).
I hope y'all don't mind bragging, but we Americans don't give up easy and want to prove it.
On the right is more.