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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Does "shrinkage" = "inflation"?

Did you notice packages fit in your refrigerator easier? We did.  Here are a few examples:

  • 32 oz jar of Mayo now is 30.
  • 64 oz container OJ is now 59 oz
  • 1/2 gal ice cream is now 1 3/4 qts.
  • 16 oz of frozen veggies is 14 oz.
We have not noticed corresponding prince drops. So, even though 2 folks may not notice we are "loosing weight", it sure means INFLATION just as much as $3.50/gal gas.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We will be returning to Harbor Fest

For those of you who visited Haborfest in 2010, we have preliminary plans to return in July, 2012.  Jim and Sherry Miller have been contacted about coming back next year.
They have secured the help of the Sprout's and Roules to put together the agenda.
More news will follow.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Charlie Schrenkel, past president FMCA health update

Charlie Schrenkel wrote a very informative update regarding his health in the March issue of "Family Motor Coaching" magazine (page 16).  As we previously documented, he needed to resign his post due to an apparent rare blood disorder.
Thanks to his son's research, his problem was found to be an allergic reaction to medication he was taking for his eyes.  He had taken the medication previously without problems.
For those of us who have had an adverse reaction to a med, this is very helpful.
His story is the reminder when we start to feel different, go back and ask "WHAT CHANGED?"

Friday, March 25, 2011

May, 2011 Rally preliminary plans

Our rally committee has some ideas for the May rally and they are on our blog.  Since many of us are traveling or trying to get things organized at home, these are still preliminary.  If you check on the Pen-NY MIXERS NEXT EVENT tab above you can see what the ideas are.
The most important thing is - WE WANT TO SEE YOU !

The ground hog Blew It

Below is a note from Jim Miller about our early spring predicted by the ground hog.
Thought those still in Florida would like to see what they are missing. Yesterday was the third day of snow this week.
Tom's comments -
Those of us in Florida are on our 12th straight day over 80.  Ten day forecast is for more of the same with some scattered showers next week. Best weather in years.
We will bring a bucket of heat when we leave in a couple weeks.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

FMCA Perry, GA rally attendees from Walt Linden

Below is a note from Walt about the Perry Rally.
The Fingerlakers and Penny Mixers caravanned with 20 Motorhomes. There was a total of 2970 units. 2706 family coaches and 264 commercial coaches. Walt and Beryl Linden

Friday, March 4, 2011

Email with "Hi" in the subject line may contain a virus

You may recently have received an email with just "Hi" in the subject line.  When you open it, you may find that it lists one of us and wants you to join a social networking site called "".
It will ask to "Accept" or "Decline".  

According to Microsoft,  it contains a small program which goes into your contacts and sends everyone the same request.  It may also place a virus on your computer.
Most Antivirus software should catch it, but if you aren't using any, you may be vulnerable.

I got 2 such emails.  Just remember don't acknowledge anything that has "" anywhere in the email.

By the way, do you remember what a "jhoo" is?