Eldale is close to major resort areas Holiday Valley, Allegany National Park, casinos and a WW II museum.
A golf course is within walking distance and a couple folks played.
Our Saturday Meeting was highlighted by the election of officers. They are:
President: Barb Kotar
Vice President: Barb Cole
Treasurer: Shirley Moore
Secretary: Sylvia Plaisted
National Director: Walt Linden
Alternate National Director: Sharon Roule
With by law changes enacted, officers terms will now be TWO years. Induction will be at the October dinner.
One culinary event from the weekend was "Egg McWollaber's" on Sunday morning. The creation of Sandy Wollaber closely resembled Egg McMuffin's - only better.
Other events - Rose McGlynn cheated and beat Tom Roule in "Pass The Ace" on Saturday night.
With plenty to do, folks left satisfied.
Below are a few pictures.