- Paul Dubois had been elected NMA President proir to meeting.
- Meeting called to order by Paul Dubois 11:00 am.
- 2010 rally will be in July. The exact dates are under discussion due a conflict with Good Sam in the area at the same time.
- Proposed bylaws changes were tabled based executive board wishing to review the option of creating regional vice-presidents.
- Each chapter is being requested to put a description of their chapter on the FMCA web. Details regarding the guidelines will be made available soon.
- Each member is asked to identify email address changes to FMCA Chapter services.
The following officers were elected by acclamation:
- President -- Paul Dubois
- 1st Vice President -- Lou Snow
- 2nd Vice President -- Ed Hoag
- 3rd Vice President -- Bob Mills
- 4th Vice President -- Dick Higgins
- Secretary -- Kathianne Taylor
- Treasurer -- Eleanor Rizzi
Submitted: Sharon Roule, Alternate National Director